Weiterführende Literatur in englischer Sprache 1929 - 2009

Silvio Gesell  (1929)

New Economic Order (translated by Philip Pye). Berlin 1929.
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Dudley Dillard  (1940)

Proudhon, Gesell and Keynes - An Investigation of some 'anti-marxian socialist' Antecedents of Keynes' "General Theory", Dr.-Thesis, University of California/USA.

Dudley Dillard  (1942)

Silvio Gesell's Monetary Theory of Social Reform, in: American Economic Review, Vol. 32, Nr. 2/June, pp. 348-352.

Joel William Harper  (1948)

Scrip and Other Forms of Local Money. Dissertation at the University of Chicago/Illinois - Department of Economics, USA.

Leon Francis Lee  (1956)

The Place of Keynes in the History of Economic Theory - Dr.-Thesis at the Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1149&context=gradschool_disstheses  [PDF-Download 11,4 MB]

Shahrukh Rafi Khan  (1988)

Henry George and an Alternative Islamic Land Tenure System
Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 36(4), pp. 721-739.

Dieter Suhr  (1989)

The Capitalist Cost-Benefit Structure of Money – An Analysis of Money’s Structural Nonneutrality and its Effects on the Economy. Berlin/New York 1989.

Robert Dimand  (1991)

Cranks, Heretics and Macroeconomics in the 1930s
in: History of Economics Review vol. 16 , no. 1, pp. 11-30.

William Darity jr.  (1995)

Keynes' Political Philosophy: The Gesell Connection, in: Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 21, Nr. 1, pp. 27-41.

Marvin Goodfriend  (2000)

Overcoming the Zero Bound on Interest Rate Policy,
in: Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking Vol. 32(4)/2000, S. 1007-1035.

André Cartapanis & Michel Herland  (2002)

The Reconstruction of the International Finance Architecture: Keynes' Revenge?
in: Review of International Political Economy Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 271 - 297.

Stephen J. Davies  (2002)
Japan's Deflation and the Feasibiliy of Negative Interest Rates
in: Kobe Economic & Business Review, Kobe University / Japan, vol. 47, p. 93 - 115.

Stephen J. Davies  (2002)
The Past and Present of "Local Currencies" - with Especial Reference to England and Japan
in: Kobe Economic & Business Review, Kobe University / Japan, vol. 47, p. 117 - 141.

Willem Buiter & Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou  (2003)

Overcoming the Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates with Negative Interest on Currency – Gesell’s Solution, in: Economic Journal, Vol. 113, Issue 490, October 2003, S. 723-746.  http://www.willembuiter.com/liqnew.pdf

Willem Buiter  (2005)

Overcoming the Zero Bound: Gesell vs. Eisler - Discussion of Mitsuhiro Fukao’s
“The Effects of ‘Gesell’ (Currency) Taxes in Promoting Japan’s Economic Recovery”.

Mitsuhiro Fukao  (2005)

The Effects of‘Gesell’ (Currency) Taxes in Promoting Japan’s Economic Recovery. Tokyo: Institute of Economic Research of the Hitotsubashi University, Discussion Paper Series No.94 / June 2005.  http://hi-stat.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/

Loren Gatch  (2006)

Local Scrip in the USA During the 1930s - Lessons for Today?

Zhiyuan Cui  (2006)

Liberal socialism and the future of China - a petty bourgeoisie manifesto, in: Tianyu Cao Ed. (2006): The Chinese model of modern development, London, S. 157 - 174.

Jerome Blanc  (2006)

Silvio Gesell’s Theory and Accelerated Money Experiments
in: HAL – archives-ouvertes December 2006, pp. 1 – 14.

Bruce Champ  (2007)

Private Money in our Past, Present, and Future

Bruce Champ  (2008)

Stamp Scrip - Money People Paid to Use

Helmut Creutz  (2008)

The Money Syndrome – Towards a Market Economy Free from Crisis, Hyderabad/India 2008. 

Jonathan Warner  (2008)

The Anaheim Scrip Plan, in: Southern California Quarterly, Vol. 90, No. 3, p. 307-325.

N. Gregory Mankiw  (2009)

It May Be Time for the Fed to Go Negative, in: New York Times April 18, 2009.

Ulrich van Suntum  (2009)

Economic Confidence, Negative Interest Rates, and Liquidity: Towards Keynesianism 2.0 (Discussion paper No. 24/2009) www.cawm.de   in the field “Forschen”.

Daniel Pavlic  (2009)

A Negative Nominal Interest Rate – Application and Implementation,
Université Paris Sorbonne Panthéon (October 2009).

Loren Gatch (2009)

The Professor and a Paper Panacea - Irving Fisher and the Stamp Scrip Movement of 1932-1934,
in: Paper Money - Official Journal of the Society of Paper Money Collectors, pp. 125-142

Willem H. Buiter (2009)

Negative Nominal Interest Rates - Three ways to overcome the zero lower bound

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